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彼の人柄, 業績ゆえにわが大学の学長という栄職につくにふさわしいの英語



  • Because of his character and achievements he deserves the honor of becoming the president of our college.
  • 彼の     彼の あの that over there
  • 人柄     人柄 ひとがら personality character personal appearance gentility
  •      業 わざ deed act work performance ごう Buddhist karma actions committed in a former
  • ゆえ     ゆえ 故 reason cause circumstances
  • にわ     にわ 庭 garden
  • わが     わが 我 我が 吾が my our one's own
  • 大学     大学 だいがく university
  • 学長     学長 がくちょう university president
  • とい     とい 問い question query 樋 water pipe gutter
  • いう     いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
  • 栄職     栄職 えいしょく honorable post
  • つく     つく 憑く to possess to haunt to attach to 就く to settle in (place) to take (seat,
  • くに     くに 国 邦 country
  • ふさ     ふさ 房 tuft
  • さわ     さわ 茶話 a chat over tea 沢 swamp marsh valley dale
  • わし     わし 鷲 eagle 和紙 Japanese paper
  • しい     しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • 業績     業績 ぎょうせき achievement performance results work contribution
  • ゆえに     ゆえに 故に therefore consequently
  • 大学の     【形】 1. academic 2. collegiate 3. university 4.
  • という     という と言う said called thus
  • につく     につく 似付く to become to suit to be like to match well
  • 職につく     → 職に就く
  • 大学の学長     university's president
  • ふさわしい     ふさわしい 相応しい appropriate
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